Cloud Experts India

Case Study For I M Healthcare Pvt Ltd

About I M Healthcare Pvt Ltd :

I M Healthcare has a special unit in Himachal Pradesh, India that makes Gummies. They have technology knowledge from Europe & USA and excellent infrastructure. They can handle contract manufacturing for domestic & international markets. They are your healthcare and business partners, providing expert resources and exceptional development, manufacturing, and packaging services.

Problem Statement:

I M Healthcare faced challenges in their sales operations. Managing sales teams in different regions made it difficult to track sales and performance. Manual lead management and customer follow-ups were time-consuming and prone to errors. They lacked a centralized system to store customer data, track sales opportunities, and create accurate sales reports.

Solutions Offered:

  • Customization: Cloud Experts collaborated with I M Healthcare’s team to customize Salesforce according to their specific needs. They added fields and workflows tailored to their industry and sales processes.
  • Lead Management: Salesforce was set up to efficiently capture and track leads. Leads from various sources were automatically captured, assigned to the appropriate sales representatives, and tracked throughout the sales process.
  • Opportunity Tracking with Product: Salesforce provided a comprehensive view of all sales opportunities, enabling the sales teams to effectively monitor and manage their pipeline. They could update opportunity stages, record activities, and collaborate with team members in real-time.
  • Customer Relationship Management: Salesforce became the central hub for all customer data. Sales representatives could easily access customer information, such as dealer history and communication logs, to personalize their interactions and make informed decisions.
  • Reports and Dashboards: Salesforce’s reporting and dashboard features empowered Agriplast to gain valuable insights into their sales performance. They could generate customized reports, track important sales metrics, and identify areas for improvement.

In conclusion, the CRM software transformed I M Healthcare’s operations, streamlining processes, improving communication, and customer satisfaction.

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