Cloud Experts India

Case Study For Eduguide Overseas Studies Pvt. Ltd.

About Eduguide Overseas Studies Pvt. Ltd. :

Eduguide Overseas Studies Pvt. Ltd. is a trusted name in the international education field. They aim to provide the best advice and guidance to students who want to pursue careers abroad. Their dedicated team of young and enthusiastic professionals offers top-notch strategies to help students achieve their goals.

Their experienced counselors have more than 15 years of industry expertise. They are well-versed in various subjects and can provide expert guidance on studying abroad, obtaining study visas, and pursuing education overseas. Whether you’re considering studying in the UK, USA, or any other destination, Their team is ready to assist you with having opportunities of 29+ countries and 1000+ universities

Problem Statement :

Agriplast had problems in their sales operations. They had sales teams in different regions, which made it hard to track sales and performance. Managing leads and following up with students manually took a lot of time and had mistakes. They didn’t have a central system to store student’s data, track student enquiries with also managing their employees and create accurate sales reports.

Solutions Offered :

  • Customization: Cloud Experts worked with a team to modify Salesforce according to their specific needs. We customized Salesforce by adding fields and workflows specific to their industry and sales processes.  
  • Lead Management: Salesforce was set up to efficiently capture and track leads. Leads from different sources were automatically captured, assigned to the right sales representatives, and tracked throughout the sales process.
  • Opportunity Tracking: Salesforce provided a single view of all sales opportunities, allowing the sales teams to effectively monitor and manage their pipeline. They could update opportunity stages, record activities, and collaborate with team members in real-time.
  • Customer Relationship Management: Salesforce became the central hub for all student data. Sales representatives could easily access student information, such as education history, work history, required document checking, and application tracking to personalize their interactions and make informed decisions.
  • Reports and Dashboards: Salesforce’s reports and Dashboard features enabled Eduguide to gain valuable insights into their sales performance. They could generate customized reports, track important enquiries, and identify areas for improvement.

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