Cloud Experts India

Case Study For COPPRROD Industries Private Limited

About COPPRROD Industries Private Limited:

COPPRROD Industries Private Limited was established in 2006. They have over four decades of experience in manufacturing Insulated Copper Conductors through their group company SCR Wire Products. The company is certified with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001. As a leading Export House, COPPRROD offers a wide range of products including Oxygen Free Continuous Cast Copper Rods, Silver Bearing Copper Strips and Profiles, Drawn Wires, Extruded and Drawn Bars, Flats, Rounds, Strips, Profiles, Bus Bar Components, Heat Sinks, and various types of Insulated Conductors. Their annual capacity is 15000 MT.

Problem statement :

  • Manual Procurement Processes: COPPRROD used manual methods for procurement, which took a lot of time and were prone to errors. The lack of standardized workflows made the process inefficient.
  • Limited Visibility and Control: The company had difficulty tracking orders, monitoring supplier performance, and ensuring timely delivery. This lack of control resulted in delays, missed opportunities, and higher costs.
  • Communication Gaps: Communication between the procurement team and suppliers was disjointed, relying on phone calls, emails, and spreadsheets. This led to misunderstandings, delays in approvals, and difficulty in maintaining accurate records.
  • Supplier Relationship Management: COPPRROD struggled to effectively manage relationships with suppliers. There was no centralized system to track supplier details, evaluate performance, and manage contracts. This made it challenging to select the right suppliers, negotiate contracts, and collaborate effectively.

Key Components of the Solution:

  • Purchase Order Automation: The CRM system automated purchase order creation and tracking, reducing errors and saving time.
  • Supplier Database and Performance Tracking: The system stored supplier details, contracts, and performance evaluations, enabling effective supplier management.
  • Communication and Collaboration: The CRM system provided a platform for seamless communication and collaboration with suppliers, improving coordination.
  • Reports and Dashboards: The system offered reports and dashboards capabilities, providing valuable insights for data-driven decision-making.


  • The implementation of the Procurement Management CRM system led to streamlined processes, enhanced visibility and control, improved supplier relationships, and data-driven decision-making.
  • COPPRROD experienced increased efficiency, reduced errors, improved supply chain management, and cost savings.
  • They also achieved better supplier performance, strengthened relationships, and identified areas for process improvement.

In conclusion, the Procurement Management CRM system empowered COPPRROD with efficient procurement processes, improved supplier management, and data-driven decision-making capabilities. This resulted in overall optimization and enhanced efficiency in their procurement management.

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